We are pioneers in wellness coach education. What makes our Coach Training unique? The foundations of our coaching method and curriculum are our dynamic whole person model (the Wellness Energy System - 12 Dimensions of Wellness), our Holographic Growth Process, and our innovative Wellness Inventory program.
Successful completion of our Level I and Level II Training provides the designation of Certified Wellness Inventory Coach
The Wellness Inventory is an online, whole person assessment and life-balance program that focuses on the 12 key dimensions of wellness of the Wellness Energy System developed by wellness pioneer and innovator, John Travis, MD, MPH. The training helps you gain proficiency in using this model, represented by the 12 Dimensions of Wellness, with clients.
Each week we explore one of the 12 dimensions of wellness and discover that in this dynamic, whole person systems' approach that the dimensions are all interdependent. Each impacts the other dimensions in the system and each impacts the whole person. We refer to this phenomenon as the Holographic Growth Process.
The process of working with the Wellness Wheel helps you to develop greater coherence in your personal life. With these new insights, you’ll learn how to use our Holographic Growth Process in your coaching to facilitate greater self-responsibility, coherence and wellbeing in your clients' lives.
Have you dreamed of becoming a Certified Wellness Coach? Would you like to incorporate the Wellness Inventory into your wellness practice?
In this FREE webinar, you'll join us on an in-depth exploration of our Wellness Inventory Certification Training program.
If you've ever thought about starting your own wellness practice, or if you want to improve your existing practice - start here!
Wellness Inventory Certification Training
Our 14-week Level I Certification Training is delivered as a live, weekly 2-hour webinar-style class. The training has a rich curriculum with live in-class discussion, weekly "coaching spotlights", weekly instruction and awareness exercises focusing on the 12 dimensions of wellness, extensive support material, weekly buddy coaching sessions, and a written proficiency portfolio. Each class has two live instructors.
The training is a vibrant, highly interactive learning experience, both personally and professionally, and creates an environment that encourages high levels of participation and live discussion. All classes are saved as mp4 videos for later review.
Completing our Level I Training provides the designation, Certified Wellness Inventory Facilitator.
Holographic Coaching Practicum
The Holographic Coaching Practicum is a 14-week training offered to Level I graduates who want to hone and deepen their coaching core competencies as well as to deepen their coaching skills using the Holographic Growth Process, our 12 dimensions model, and Wellness Inventory program. The training is delivered via live phone teleconferencing.
The class meets for 2 hours weekly in a dynamic, live and highly participatory teleconference style (voice only) format.
Completing our Level I and Level II Training provides the designation, Certified Wellness Inventory Coach.
Feel free to drop us an email if you have questions about the classes or their schedules.
With the Wellness Inventory Certification Training, you can earn credentials or continuing education credits with participating organizations.